UW–Madison Experts Database
Our easy-to-use experts database will help you locate and access experts across a wide spectrum of topics and areas of specialty. The site is updated frequently to reflect in-demand experts based on news and current events.
Live Shot Broadcast Studio
Our on-campus studio is equipped with fiber optic and satellite capabilities for live and taped shoots with UW–Madison experts. The studio can be booked for interviews with any UW faculty.
About UW-Madison
Since its founding in 1848, the University of Wisconsin-Madison has been a catalyst for the extraordinary. Find facts about the university, our student and staff.
Political Analysis
UW’s Elections Research Center fosters cutting-edge academic analysis of national and state elections to further the scholarly understanding of factors that influence voter decision-making and election outcomes.
UW Photo Library
Find more than 15,000 high-resolution photos, each with caption context and credits. Members of the media can email requests for photos to photos.strategiccommunication@wisc.edu.
Office of Strategic Communication
The Office of Strategic Communication tells UW–Madison’s remarkable story to the campus community and beyond. Visit our website to find additional tools for media partners.